Cross Clues
This is a Cooperative game where you work together to complete a grid of words. With 4 words on the top and side, you pick a t ile that tells you a location on the grid: i.e. A3. Then you have to give a clue that combines the two words, and hope the group can place the tile in the right spot.
Dumb Questions…
Everyone answers a question and one person has to figure out what the question is everyone was answering. They can pick from five questions, but can only see them one at a time and have to lock in their guess before they can move on to another question. It’s funny and engaging for a group.
Mishy Match
Your brain will hurt , and then it will get addicted. Each card has a color written in the middle with four symbols in each corner. You have to say the color that the word is written in (It could be the word “yellow” written in blue) and then identify the symbol in the corner that the written word tells you. You could say “blue rose” because it’s written in blue but word says “yellow” and there is a rose in the yelllow corner
Hues and Cues
The board is like a giant collection of every color shade you can imagine. When it’s your turn, you say a one word clue (not a specific color ) and everyone has to place their token on which color you were assigned. (We actually add some speed to this and race to put your token on the right color space. It moves the game along.)
A cluster of colored balls are suspended precariously from a central hook. Each player carefully places their white balls on the suspended ones, hoping the weight won’t cause everything to fall. Try to get rid of your balls, one by one, but if balls fall, you’ll have to get rid of those, too.
This is a brilliant, innovative game where teams are trying to read each other’s mind. You have to guess where a bullseye is on a spectrum. One person gives a clue about some specific item. You get a topic, like hot to cold, and then you give a clue such as “soup” and the teams have to decide where that falls on the scale, each trying to get close to the specific pinpoint.
Without Fail
This is particularly good for a group game with a youth group or party environment . You’ll have to accomplish various tasks, but you have to bet how well you’ll do at it without actually knowing the task. And you’ll be paired with the person who set the bar the highest while everyone else now roots against you.
Super Mega Lucky Box
I hate the name, but I love the game. You turn over random cards to reveal numbers that let you check off spaces on your mini “bingo-type” card. You’ll have three cards you’re working on at the same time and trying to earn other tokens. Another bonus is that you can have up to 6 people playing.
Try to collect mantis by matching color sets. You can either steal from your opponent’s tanks into your tank, or move them from your tank to your point pile. You’ll have to guess what color it is, but the back side of the card tells you three possible answers. Use some deduction and some luck to steal or get points.
Wilmot’s Warehouse
This is the ultimate cooperative memory game. You’ll place tiles with abstract designs face down on a board one by one. But you’ll have to come up with a story as to how all the tiles connect in a cohesive way. Once you place 35 tiles face down, you have 5 minutes to remember where each tile is. If you know your story, it’s a cinch.
Speed Colors
Look at a simple drawing of black out lines with parts that are colored in. Then flip the card over and everyone quickly tries to remember their picture to replicate it using the same colors. Dry erase markers and fill-in-the-blank cards make it easy and fun. (You can even get to where you switch the colored marker tops to make it more confusing.)
This is a little “Tetris meets Uno.” You have a handful of cards which have various colored squares filled in. You play your card on the discard pile and try NOT to match colored squares. For every colored square that over laps or
matches, you have to draw another card. Get rid of your cards to win.
Bears and Bees
Play your hexagon shaped cards as you build a giant honeycomb pattern. Each side is a different color and you have to match at least two sides to get rid of a card. Watch out for special cards like bears and flowers as you create a giant pattern of cards in your race to get rid of all yours.
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
Flip over cards reciting “Taco, Cat, Goat , Cheese, Pizza” and if what you say, matches what is on the card, you have to slap the pile. The last player to slap the pile has to take the stack of cards. You win when you get rid of your cards. A similar variation is Avocado Smash.
Who would likely snore more? Granny or Dracula? In this game, you have to pit various random people against each other in bizarre hypothetical contests and predict who would win. You set it up in a “tournament bracket” to see how they fare against each other and then see how close you got to predicting the winner.
So Clover
One of my favorite cooperative games. You place a series of random cards on your “clover board”. It creates four pairs of words so you give a clue for each pair and then mix all the words up. Can the rest of the group figure out which clues were for which words now that there are others in the mix?