Holiday Game Guide: 5-7 year Olds

One and Only Game King Holiday Game Guide

5-7 Year Olds


My most recommended game for young kids. Determine which fox stole the pie and do it before the fox reaches the end. You do it by placing little token chips in a sliding device that reveals clues about the culprit fox. Kids love the deduction.

Hoot Owl Hoot

Try to guide all your owls home to the nest before the sun comes up. There’s strategy involved as you jump from color to color but don’t leave any owls behind or it will be too hard to get them to catch up. This is a cooperative game where everyone works together.

Concept Kids

The simple and easy version of the Concept game lets you give clues by placing tokens on various clues on a large board. It’s a cooperative game so everyone is trying to guess what animal or object fits the clues given.

Doggy Showdown

Five dogs are competing in a dog show and you have to move them to match the card that shows the results. But the dogs are in a track so you have to use logic to figure out how to move certain dogs.

Tap A Bell’O

Flip over cards to see if you can match their colors, numbers or symbols. When there’s a match, you have to tap your head and then ring the bell. Great for teaching colors, numbers or symbols.

Narwhal Waterfall

Save the narwhals by moving them across the water and avoiding the dangers. But the water actually moves like a conveyor belt and could send the narwhals tumbling over the edge.

Paco’s Party

There are four guests and three birthday elements at Paco’s birthday party. But as you flip over a card, there will be something missing. Spot the missing item and win. lf everything is there, you do a little Paco dance.

Slam Cup

Each person has a colored set of cups. But there is a different color on the inside of your cups. If the inside of your colored cup matches the outside color of the center cup. Get rid of your cups first and you win.


A labyrinth of stretchy cords is wrapped around poles and you have to figure where you can safely place balls so that they stay suspended by the stretchy network without falling through. If they fall through, you have to add them to your pile of balls you’re trying to get rid of.

Throw Fish

This is a new take on the old Go Fish game. As you get sets, you build them Into a tower in front of you. You can still ask a player for a specific card, but you can also use your turn to try to throw a card at an opponent’s tower to steal their cards. (Throwing cards is harder it could cause you to lose turn.)


Try to collect mantis by matching color sets. You can either steal from your opponents’ tanks into your tank, or move them from your tank to your point pile. You’ll have to guess what color it is, but the back side of the card tells you possible answers. Use some deduction to get points.

Wild Wild Taco

A new twist on the classic “Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza”. Almost all cards are wild which makes for fast action. Just find a match and slap the pile in an effort to get rid of all your cards. New characters and fun actions make for some silly situations. (It might be best for ages)

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